Workplace & Construction Site Accidents

Workplace Accidents

When an accident occurs at work the injured employee is often limited to pursuing a worker’s compensation claim with their employer.  Worker’s compensation benefits can include medical coverage, lost wage payments and sometimes a lump sum settlement.

Although the employee is generally barred from proceeding with a negligence claim against their employer, often times a third- party defendant is either wholly or partially responsible for the accident.  In such cases, a negligence case can be brought against that responsible third-party. To avoid in accidents in your workplace, consider hiring highly qualified safety floor marking installers from Make sure to contact Reliable marking contractors near you.

If your job becomes a hotbed for discrimination, having an employment lawyer by your side can give you the legal tools and confidence to address discrimination in your workplace effectively.

Construction Accidents

When an accident occurs at work the injured employee is often limited to pursuing a worker’s compensation claim (highlight – worker’s compensation article) against the employer.  Worker’s compensation benefits can include medical coverage, lost wage payments and sometimes a lump sum settlement. Employers can work with building site health and safety consultants to prevent accidents like this.

Although the employee is generally barred from proceeding with a negligence claim against their employer, often times a third- party defendant is either wholly or partially responsible for the accident.  In such cases, a negligence case can be brought against that responsible third-party.

At Lucarelli & Castaldi, LLP we have over 60 years of combined experience in identifying claims against responsible third party defendants.  We have the knowledge and experience to determine and locate all viable causes of action and potential defendants.  Let us explore the facts of your work related accident to see if you have a potentially lucrative third-party negligence case.